Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 16, 2010

24 weeks 3 days BABY BOY!

I just wrote an entry and it got deleted so I will try to remember what I posted... Sorry I have not updated in a while. We have been really busy! Since the last post we found out at about 19 weeks that we are having a BOY! We are so excited. I have started buying some of his cloths and I just can't wait to see him! I have been feeling really well in exception of week 20. Week 20 I have the stomach flu which landed me being to admitted to the OB floor for a couple of hours for monitoring and IV fluids for dehydration. Other than that I have been trying to pick up extra days at work since I am feeling well. I really popped last week at the 6 month mark. He is a really active baby and he moves and kicks all the time. Titus was finally able to feel him kick. It was a very exciting moment. I am having a harder time crouching down or tying my shoes. I am really enjoying each new obstacle. We are planning a big move right now. On May 1st we are moving into a house we have rented. 3 Bedroom, 2bath, basement, garage, and fenced in backyard. It is a nice family neighborhood and we are only 4 blocks from a park. I am so excited to have the extra room and to start putting together the nursery! We got our car seat from Dave and Sarah since Adam grew out of it already. We are so thankful, and now Titus drives around with the empty car seat in the backseat. It makes me so excited every time I see it. We have been trying to go for more walks since the weather has been so nice but its really hard with my swollen legs, although I should be used to them since I have them before I got pregnant. We can't wait to see what the next months have in store. I will try to write again sooner this time!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

18 weeks!

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I have been so busy! I guess the biggest news is that I feel the baby move!!! It is such an amazing feeling! I am really loving this part of the pregnancy. I feel really good. I am sleeping really good (well except for some really strange dreams). I am eating well. Work has been good. About two weeks ago I floated to the OB floor! It was so much fun I got to take care of women who had C-sections and got to hear their stories! It was exciting to be working on the floor that I would be giving birth on in about 5 months! I got into cleaning last week before my parents came down for the weekend and I started cleaning out some closets to make room for baby! We are still thinking about moving before summer but if that doesn't work out I still have to make room! My parents (Grandma and Grandpa) came down this weekend it was fun because they had not seen me since I got my bump. I think it made it more real for everyone. This week is busy. Today we went to our 18 week OB appt. Never even saw the Doctor cuz she as delivering twins. It was ok though because everything has been good. The heart rate this time was 160! It also sounded like it was moving so that was cool to hear. My bump measured at 15-16weeks and she that is normal for a first time mom. I gained 10 pounds since I found out I was pregnant.. She said that was normal too she ranged it from 10-15lbs give or take being normal. We were really happy that I was right on track. Friday I see my electrocardiologist. Next Tuesday the 9th we see the high risk OB and get a 3D ultrasound! Then next Friday the 12th we have our hospital official ultrasound. That's two times I get to see baby in one week. So we will be finding out the sex next week for sure! We can't wait, although it is fun to hear what everyone is speculating. Make your guesses quick! Well that's all I can think of for now. I will keep you posted after our appts next week. Here a some baby bump picks the one in white is from 17 weeks and the one in Brown in from just yesterday!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

15 weeks 5 day!

Not much has changed this week except I finally have a baby bump! Its kind of fun except now nothing fits. I can't seem to find a bra that fits I can't even imagine what they will be like once there is milk! Ahhh. Titus has now started saying goodnight to my belly. Its kinda funny but I think its cute. I have been trying to put more hours in at work since I finally have more energy. I also am not getting up every hour to pee during the night....I have a feeling that wont last. Right now we are trying to plan a weekend trip to see our parents. Its just really hard right now with Titus finishing coaching basketball this season. Last weekend we went up to Fond du Lac and Titus played in the Alumni game. It was fun to see others from college. There are so many of our friends getting married. I got a taste of what to look forward to. Jess and I chased Brynn around most of the guys game. She is really energetic at 15 months!. Other than that I don't have much else that is new. I might not post the 16th week since we have nothing planned and we are so close to 16 already! I can't believe it has been that long already. Soon we will be able to find out the sex! I can't wait! Oh I am also looking at cars. I forgot my car does not have A/C and I would really like to have that for the little one. We will see what I find. At least Titus has the big family car!

Friday, February 5, 2010

14 weeks Pregnant

Well this Tuesday we went in for our 14 week appt. I knew this time we were probably only going to hear the heartbeat with the doppler instead of getting see the ultrasound as we had the two times before. This time when the nurse tried the doppler she found the heartbeat right away. Baby heart rate was 170. Fast like its mommy. I didn't think it would be as exciting to hear it but it was the most amazing sound ever. I finally have a small baby bump. I took at pic at 13 weeks and still need to take a 14 week pic. I will post both soon. As of Monday I started to feel a little cold coming on. Well as of Wednesday that small cold turned into major cold/flu. I can't remember the last time I felt so bad. I stayed home on the couch Thursday with a constant line up of fluids. Titus came home from work at 4 and the first thing I had him do was refill the line up. I thought I could tough it out and try work today but instead I came home at 8. I am such a big baby. I can't really take anything since I am pregnant so I am trying to tough it out. Tomorrow we are going to try and make a quick trip to Fondy for the Alumni game. Coming home after though so that i can sleep in my bed. Then I work Sunday and Monday so I pray this is all getting better by then.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

13 weeks pregnant!

Well I am new to this blog thing but I suppose it will give me something to do besides sit on facebook.
Titus and I have had a wonderful year and things just keep getting better. We got married Sept 5th 2009 here in Kenosha. Many friends and family came to celebrate! We went on two small honeymoons. After a lot of discussion we realized it made no sense to spend the money to go to a place like mexico considering Titus does not like the sun or the water. We settled on the idea to go to Lake Geneva the weekend after the wedding. We stayed at a beautiful bed and breakfast and we toured the city and took a boat tour of the lake. At the end of October we drove down to St. Louis. We stayed at a resort and casino. We toured the arch and the city and would love to go back soon. It was the perfect getaway.
Titus and I knew we didn't want to wait to long to start our family but we were elated that it happened so fast....We found out we were expecting on Thanksgiving and then had to keep it a secret from our families until Christmas.
I have been feeling pretty good so far. The first 10 weeks were a little rough. I could barely eat and was nauseous all the time. As soon as I hit week 11 everything got better. No more nausea and I don't feel like falling asleep and going into a coma anymore. We went in for our first OB visit at 10 weeks. They couldn't find the heartbeat on the doppler but we did get an ultrasound. The baby was swimming around and we got to hear and see the heart beat. The HR was 182. I have never seen Titus smile so big.
Titus now just started classes to finish out his teaching degree and I stay busy with work and keeping my schedule straight. I have a history or SVT (its a type of tachycardia). I saw my cardiologist this week. I also have an appt in March to see a high risk OB and my electrocardiologist. My next primary OB appt is Feb 2nd! YEAH! I will post pictures when I learn how!